My artistic adventures began as an actress where I grew up in Minneapolis, MN Landing my first national commercial at the age of 9
Went on to pursue Hollywood in the 80's Some of my credits included
Days of Our Lives, Cheers, TJ Hooker
Commercials for Olive Garden, Chevrolet, Pillsbury a
1 Year off Broadway tour of Asia with the production of
"Lullaby On Broadway and Chicago"
​​​Over the last 20 years I have developed my skills and love for photography on the other side of the camera working as a General Manager and photographer for several National Retail Photo Studios in San Francisco, Minneapolis
and Louisville, KY
I have Photographed Product for Amazon Studios
Apparel for Sports Authority, Fashion and Commercial work for Pinnacle 10 Model Management and Contributing photographer for NFocus and TOPS Magazine
Both High End Lifestyle Publications
Managing Editor Laura Snyder of NFocus Magazine is quoted
"Joy has done freelance photography for NFocus since
​the magazine launched in June 2010. Her work is beautiful !
Joy has a great eye and is always very conscientious about submitting only the highest quality work to us. Her professionalism is impeccable, and because she is also very kind and personable, she puts everyone around her at ease. I am always proud to have her represent the magazine at events we cover, most of which are exclusive, black tie events, where she must engage with Louisville's community and political leaders on behalf of NFocus. She is as skilled with people as she is with her camera."
​ Bauer ​​